Saturday, August 30, 2008

Google Cows (and Whales) : Black and White and Pointing North All Over


From the Milky Way of satellites Google Earth has unearthed yet another milky way mystery: cows like to align themselves with the earth's magnetic field.

German zoologists Sabine Begall and Hynek Burda of the University of Duisburg-Essen studied photographs of 8,510 cattle in 308 herds from around the world, and found two out of every three cows were pointed in a North-South direction, like grass-munching compass needles. (Although they couldn't decipher heads from tails - all cows know that both of their ends of are important.)

Field studies of red and roe deer in the Czech Republic, revealed similar findings.

For some time scientists have known that certain bacteria, bees, and migrating animals like fish, birds, whales, bats, and some rodents have minute organs with magnetite in their brains, that act like compasses. But these new findings are some of the first to indicate the same could be true for larger land animals.

Caltech geobiologist Joseph Kirschvink is very interested but not surprised: "We have to remember that whales are descended from a common ancestor of cows."

That is something I have never remembered.

Whales and cows - gene pool cousins - baby whales are calfs...

The world upside down, aligns itself again, in amazing fashion.

Wildebeests migrate... I bet they're related to cows and whales too.

Here's a link for a full LA Times article:,0,7611516.story


Thursday, August 21, 2008

China's economy has grown by 5000%


During the last 27 years...

Source: NPR News story


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Have Fun With Free Rice


With Free Rice, you can have fun challenging and expanding your vocabulary, while you help bring more food to people who need it. A brilliant game, and one of the worthiest causes.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

What does change drive?


If it's $8,000 in change (literally - coins in 16 coffee cans), and you're James Jones - it's a new Silverado. James brought his change to a car dealership in Ohio, to make a down payment.

Now seventy, James said his old truck ran him over when the parking break failed, so it was time to get a new one.

It took an hour and half to count all the change. A former engineer by trade, James said that he doesn't like banks, and paper money will burn, so he kept all his savings in coins.

Now, that too qualifies as a time for change!

Here's the link to a longer BBC article:
